Do you know where your frog has been?

If you are attached to the internet, then something must have come familiar to you these days — the Travelling Frog (originally called 旅かえる). It has sweep people off since the application got lunched in different online stores. And you can see people posting about their beloved frog in social media all the time. And … Continue reading Do you know where your frog has been?

Festivals and Events to Visit in 2018

Asia was always attracting many tourists from all over the world to visit it during the time of special festivals with a wide variety of religious and cultural traditions. All of us, living just outside of so many interesting events and festivals should take the opportunity to visit the most popular of them and learn … Continue reading Festivals and Events to Visit in 2018

Photo Workshop

Landing East, together with passionate photographer Bettina Kasperowski, put on a photography workshop on Saturday, May 13th, at Yuqinfu Residence. With one unfortunate last-minute cancellation, 19 eager photography students were present, ready to extract a maximum amount of knowledge of this busy afternoon. Our lecturer Bettina started by explaining her passion for photography. An introduction … Continue reading Photo Workshop