Shenyang Lantern Festival

On the 1st of February, the International Cultural Lantern Exhibition was opened in Shenyang Expo Garden for those who are not easily threatened by cold 😉 This festival is sponsored by Shenyang Tourism Group with 15 million RMB ($2.35 million) and covers an area of 66.67 hectares. With the length of 5.5 km there are represented over … Continue reading Shenyang Lantern Festival

Do you know where your frog has been?

If you are attached to the internet, then something must have come familiar to you these days — the Travelling Frog (originally called 旅かえる). It has sweep people off since the application got lunched in different online stores. And you can see people posting about their beloved frog in social media all the time. And … Continue reading Do you know where your frog has been?